101 Ways to Prevent Medical Errors

'Yinka Vidal's Photo Collection Continues
Sangamon State University Campus - Springfield, Illinois - 1976

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These are the Peer Group Councellors of Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois - 1976. Their job is to work with students.

Bobby McFerrin to the right of the picture and Yinka Vidal in the center

Below is Bobby McFerrin to the right and Yinka Vidal to the left
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Originally, Bobby was going to be a minister and was using the peer group councelor job as a practice and preparation to be a preacher. As destiny knows the future better than we do, he becomes one of the greatest and most celebrated jazz musicians of our time. From the peer group councellors of 1976 came out two proud authors,   - - - 'Yinka Vidal and Bobby McFerrin.

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